SELECT with a HAVING clause
In this exercise we will query the products table, group the results and return only those that have a category_id of "5".
SELECT product_id,product_name,unit_price,category_idFROM productsGROUP BY product_id,product_name,unit_price,category_idHAVING category_id=5;Run in terminal
This query should return 7 rows
SELECT with a HAVING clause and a function
In this exercise we will query the products table, group the results and return only those unit_price when multiplied by units_in_stock is greater than $2800.
SELECT product_name,sum(unit_price * units_in_stock),units_in_stockFROM productsGROUP BY product_name,unit_price,units_in_stockHAVING unit_price * units_in_stock > 2800;Run in terminal
This query should return 7 rows
SELECT with a HAVING clause and COUNT
In this exercise we will query the products table, group the results and return only those unit_price greater than 28.
SELECT product_name,sum(unit_price) units_in_stockFROM productsGROUP BY product_name,unit_price,units_in_stockHAVING unit_price > 28Run in terminal
This query should return 26 rows
SELECT with a HAVING clause and a less than operator
In this exercise we will query the products table, group the results and return only those whose category_id is less than 4.
SELECT product_id,product_name,unit_price,category_idFROM productsGROUP BY product_id,product_name,unit_price,category_idHAVING category_id < 4;Run in terminal
This query should return 37 rows