WHERE clause with an equal = operator
In this exercise we'll query the orders table and return just the rows that equal the employee_id of 8.
SELECT order_id,customer_id,employee_id,order_dateFROM ordersWHERE employee_id=8;Run in terminal
This query should return 104 rows.
WHERE clause with an AND operator
In this exercise we'll query the orders table and return just the rows that have an employee_id of 8 and a customer_id equal to "FOLKO".
SELECT order_id,customer_id,employee_id,order_dateFROM ordersWHERE employee_id=8AND customer_id= 'FOLKO';Run in terminal
This query should return 6 rows.
WHERE clause with an OR operator
In this exercise we'll query the orders table and return just the rows that have an employee_id of 2 or 1.
SELECT order_id,customer_id,employee_id,order_dateFROM ordersWHERE employee_id=2OR employee_id=1;Run in terminal
This query should return 219 rows.
WHERE clause with an IN operator
In this exercise we'll query the order_ details table and return just the rows with an order_id of 10360 or 10368.
SELECT *FROM order_detailsWHERE order_id IN (10360,10368);Run in terminal
This query should return 9 rows.
WHERE clause with a LIKE operator
In this exercise we'll query the customers table and return just the rows that have a company_name that starts with the letter "F".
SELECT customer_id,company_name,contact_name,cityFROM customersWHERE company_name LIKE 'F%';Run in terminal
This query should return 8 rows.
WHERE clause with a BETWEEN operator
In this exercise we'll query the orders table and return just the rows that have an order_id between 10,985 and 11,000.
SELECT order_id,customer_id,employee_id,order_date,ship_postal_codeFROM ordersWHERE order_id BETWEEN 10985 AND 11000;Run in terminal
This query should return 16 rows.
WHERE clause with a not equal <> operator
In this exercise we'll query the employees table and return just the rows where the employee_id is not eqal to "1".
SELECT first_name,last_name,title,address,employee_idFROM employeesWHERE employee_id <> 1;Run in terminal
This query should return 8 rows.