SELECT data from one column

In this exercise we will select all the data in the company_names column from the customers table.

select company_name from customers;
Run in terminal

The query should return 91 rows.

SELECT data from multiple columns

In this exercise we will select all the data in three columns from the employees table.

select employee_id,first_name,last_name,birth_date from employees;
Run in terminal

The query should return 9 rows.

SELECT data from all the columns and rows in a table

In this exercise we will select all the data, from all columns in the order_details table.

select * from order_details;
Run in terminal

The query should return 2155 rows.

SELECT with an expression

In this exercise we will combine the first_name and last_name columns to give us full names, along with their titles from the employees table.

select first_name || '' || last_name as full_name,title from employees;
Run in terminal

The query should return 9 rows.

SELECT with an expression, but without a FROM clause

In this exercise we will use an expression, but omit specifying a table because it doesn't require one.

SELECT 5 * 3 AS result;
Run in terminal

The query should return 1 row with a result of 15.

SELECT with a column alias

In this exercise we will use the alias title for the contact_title column and output all the rows.

SELECT contact_title AS title FROM customers;
Run in terminal

The query should return 91 rows.

SELECT with a table alias

In this exercise we will use the alias details for the order_details table and output all the rows.

SELECT product_id, discount FROM order_details AS details;
Run in terminal

The query should return 2155 rows.